Designed to help protect any
led bulb from power and voltage surges. Got a vehicle that
eats leds??
Helps protects LEDS from premature failure - Designed to
works with any 12 volt led bulb
Common causes
of Premature LED Failure |
Switching on the
ignition & starting the engine while the leds are switched
Changing or
disconnecting the battery while the leds are switched
Charging the battery
with an auxiliary battery charger, or revving the engine hard with a weak or
dead battery while the leds are switched on.
Using jumper cables
while the leds switched on.
Excessive AC voltage
due to damaged diodes in the alternator.
High system or
circuit voltage.
Voltage surges caused
from switching on and off amplifiers or other peripheral add on devices that
use a lot of power.
Faulty or out-of
spec. voltage regulators.
You don't run your computer without a surge
protector do you? Why risk damage to your expensive