The Finest Custom Car Covers
Car Covers for C5, C6 and
Z06 Corvette
Pattern Fit and Design
Car Covers use a lot of material, - 30 yards is common for most
vehicles. In an effort to save material, some car cover manufactures use
patterns which are “chopped up” into small pieces, and sewn together creating a
patchwork effect. This method saves more than 20% of total material use, but
results in car covers which look like patchwork quilts – seams everywhere. By
having extra seams, risks of seam failures and seam leakage increase. In addition,
the car cover looses it’s custom look and resembles a universal cover. Coverking
has never compromised the function or fit of it’s Custom Car Covers to save a few yards of fabric.
The qualities that make a Car
Cover suitable for use depend largely on the fabric properties. Coverking
designs it’s own fabrics, and has the world’s leading textile mills handle the
manufacturing. Because Coverking has a team of engineers to specify exact material composition and construction, we
are able to meet the most stringent material test requirements set out by the
world’s leading vehicle manufacturers. Coverking does not use “off-the-shelf”
fabrics, which are ill-suited to car cover needs. All Coverking outdoor Custom Car Cover materials are breathable – this allows
moisture which is
under the car to escape through the cover, preventing a “greenhouse” condition
of condensation which may result in rust damage. Coverking pioneered colored
materials and two tone designs for outdoor use. Unlike other car covers,
Coverking Custom Car Covers are designed to withstand the color fading effects
of the sun